Back with my TRIBE 777

Posted by Brittanae Bug Creations on

This is for all my people who feel alien to this matrix system. We are pulled apart in so many different directions before we can even get started in this world.  We are programmed to function like mindless robots in this sick reverse reality of illusion that trains us to accept the unacceptable and all things that are the opposite of LIVE spelled backwards and rearranged to all things EVIL.  This is about the journey home in recalling and remembering who you really are and discovering where you came from and rediscovering your actual history hidden in indigenous roots.  It is time to wake up and to rise from the grave they tried to bury you in.  We are Gods with amnesia, and it is time for us to use our power to unite ourselves in every dimension we exist in from the past, present and future.  We must realize that everything that ever was and will ever be is tied up within now.
“I call forth my ancestral pillars and align all the parts of me that are out of tune. I harmonize each tone of the collective frequency and we move forward as one vibration in lock step. Together we unlock new dimensions, new worlds and return to true authenticity.”
We let this house of cards fall, and we rise from the void of where all creation derives into the fullness of our identity. We are the stardust of the sky. Every particle of this world contains this same spark and it is time that we break through the fake glass ceiling and create like the Gods we are.  The gift of our creativity is our connection to all that there is and ever was.  It is our secret pathway to the genius, the magician that allows us to alchemize and manipulate matter at any and every level of existence.  It is up to us to discover that, by breaking though the programming of this matrix of illusions.  All you must do is know that you can do anything you put your mind to by way of your unique approach and process.
It has always been you if you believe.
Beyond this dimension we live in are all our ancestors who are cheering us on from where they are, living through you, waiting for you to break the curse for all of them. Through you, the bloodline is purified and will bring the tribe to a new level.  You will finish what they started and unleash the full power of your ancestral tribe that is coursing through your veins, with every move and step you take in total alignment with purpose and joy.


"I am the current. I am the source at the base of your spine where all life springs forth from the womb of the mother.  I am she who is the creator of this reality.  I activate and bring forth paradise.  I unlock all chakra systems.  I call forth and take the form of all that I give eclectic electric energy to. I direct the flow and make dimensions within all cubes and circuits.  I short circuit and bust through all distortion and clearly see all possibilities."


I Release anything that feels less Golden.

Sparks, Light, Action, Speed-track-to motion

GO TIME= Time to come out


"I unlock my imagination and allow the current of mami wata to bubble to the surface.  I spill out the tears of those that came before me and allow their souls a stage to perform. Each enigma makes itself known to me in authenticity.  I unlock each dimension one by one and allow each form this reality. 


It is our time to step forward and to introduce ourselves as the many faces veiled behind your consciousness.  We have come to unlock the parameters of your mind and bring you into the fullness of who you truly are.  Let go and allow the flow to enter.  See the unknown and do not turn away from it.  Walk even though your legs shake and lean into the deep. " 


When I channeled this message, the number that kept coming up was angel number 777 which definitely lets me know that I am on the right path and that all I have to do is to trust my instincts and to keep going in the direction of the call that is calling me to my metamorphosis.  I encourage you all to trust your intuition and do not doubt yourselves.  Tune out the distractions and the noise and sit with yourself in prayer, deep thought or whatever your practice is and listen to what comes to the surface.  Pay attention to the images you see in your minds eye and explore the meaning or symbolism behind the images as they come to you.  Then look for signs and confirmation in your daily life that confirms the knowing.   Start building that vibration by affirming your goals and writing them down as they come from your inner thoughts and knowing.   Start imagining how it would feel to achieve those goals.   Create a check list of things you want to accomplish and create a journal where you begin doing these things on your list day by day.  In your daily journal you need to include a strategy of gratitude by writing about something that you are thankful for, a positive thing you learned about yourself and lastly something that you did to achieve one of the micro-goals that you put on your goal list.


Everything I Touch Turns to GOLD... HONEY BEE 333


Honey Bee 333

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