Foreword from the Magician 333

Posted by Brittanae Bug Creations on

"I call to the surface clarity and singularity in purpose. I allow my emotions to flow freely regardless of all the chaos around me. I let go of all emotional garbage from the environment and move upon the current moving within me with ease and grace. I focus on the birth of all my creations burrowed in my womb and nurture them to fruition with uninterrupted focus regardless of whatever distraction may try to arise.  I bring forth many worlds within worlds and see them through to full growth.  I plant many seeds of joy in multiple arenas of my life and create in total bliss.

No Weapon Formed Against me Yoga leggings and TOP


I let go of all forces that seek to interrupt and disrupt this flow and move in complete flow of the waves moving within me. I vow to always stay true to myself and honor all my emotions as they rise to the surface.   I vow to never abandon myself especially in times of adversity and opposition. I stand firm inside myself and become unmovable amid the title waves around me. I am that I am. I walk through the currents with my eyes completely open regardless of the entities that may appear and move with wisdom and resolution in every step I take with total dedication. I face life in my full power in presence and awareness.  Everything all at once, past, present and future collide into one moment of now.  May I move with grace and beauty and flow with the natural current and curiosity that the magician grants on this magnificent journey of discovery."

-The magician


 Angel number of the day: 333


Channeled Music:

 In this state of empowered flow, I embrace the unknown and surrender to the mysteries of life. I trust that every experience, every encounter, carries a deeper purpose and meaning. I am open to receiving the guidance and wisdom from the universe, allowing it to shape and guide my path. With each step I take, I am aware of the interconnectedness of all things, and I move with intention and love, knowing that I am co-creating my reality. I am the magician of my own life, weaving magic and miracles into every moment.


Quote of the day:

I passionately focus on creating newness in my life daily!

The change that we so truly desire must be worked on daily.  Just like a baby you must pour your heart and soul into growing your creations and building one brick at a time to build structure, stability and power behind your creations. You are becoming you.  It is your time to expand and you must give yourself permission to be your full quirky self to the fullest.   As you begin to take up space you will receive opposition.   That is how you know that you are going in the right direction.  You will notice that the intensity will increase to get you to doubt yourself and to shrink into the smallest version of you.   It is important that you excel at all cost no matter how great the opposition.  It is at this time that true warriors shine.   In your authenticity you truly reveal your greatest super sayin' power and blast through all barriers that desperately attempt to trap your soul inside  the cage that the caged bird so desperately wanted to escape. When you control your focus and tune out the hate by only envisioning what it is that you truly desire and put in the work daily, the sky is the limit.  Some practices that give you the stamina and clarity to follow through and achieve is meditation and some form of physical discipline.  It has done wonders for me personally.  I listen daily  to affirmations, deep meditation frequencies ant 432 hrz, in combination with working out which increases the oxytocin and all the good endorphins that do wonders to increase your well being.   Another major break through that I came to understand happens through fasting.  I experience my greatest power surges by applying this once a week to my weekly regiment along with eating a balanced diet that includes more fruit and vegetables in small increments throughout the day. These practices are the key to aligning your mind and body in discipline so that your vision can fully power your wildest dreams.  You can read more about this in my Self Mastery Blog regarding strategies in developing resilience in the face of challenges.

Now as you begin to manifest it is oh so important that you trust yourself and intuition. You must always believe your observations of the people and environment that you are in.  When someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them and move accordingly.  If someone shows you the fruit of disrespect disloyalty and jealousy, then you must pull back your energy and attention from these kind of people and environments and move in silence around them.   Of course state your piece and kill it after that with your deafening silence.  Cut them off and or limit contact and strategically redirect your course toward people and environments that truly align with who you are.  There is a Podcaster by the name of Cassandra Mack that has a great video to guide you in depth in navigating these murky waters check out her video: 

 In the meanwhile go ahead and be about it.  Embody this mindset and get this set of yoga leggings as you are becoming more disciplined in your focus.   This design is the product of  the passionate focus that was powered through opposition and true determination of the kundalini rising from the root chakra, like a phoenix whose  soul is on fire.


Passionately Focused Yoga Legging and Sports Bra


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